SFXEngine Special Sounds Released

Hi All,

Another set of free SFXEngine example sounds is live today.

Like the other packs here, these are 10 example sounds for the Bolt-on Engines, DLC for SFXEngine. Supplied here in wav format and in SFXEngine's .spj format for editing.

For SFXEngine owners, these sounds are included for free with the DLC, and are primarily examples of how each engine works. Most useful for SFXEngine owners, but the odd sound here might be useful so I've put them here for free use. Do take a look at SFXEngine too. All of the IndieSFX 12,000+ strong sound effects created since 2004 were ultimately made using it (though, of course, a lot of recording happened too...)




S282C-BoltOnSpecialExamples.zip 8 MB
72 days ago

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